What if there's no way out ?
Caught in a maze, when all I can see a wall ahead, searching for the way out, how do I believe that there is a way out? I keep searching for the way, knowing that I might just be misdirecting myself all the time. What if the groping dark and the haunting silence was meant to be my destiny? How do I get the courage to fight back? How can I believe that I can ever get out of the labryinth? Can this be correlated with a known scenario which has a solution? Is the approximation in practical and feasible?
I look up and cry in despair to my ex-friend tomy, flying in the hot-air baloon over the maze to pick me up!!! He always knew my location in the maze. The transmitter chip that he had in my mind to observe how I behave in a maze, worked well for him. He was just busy noting down the valuable information and thinking how it can it be used to predict the behavior of humans when they attacked his fellow dogs.
Wonder why I am up for a PhD (Piled Higer and Deeper!!!) and trying to crack a bug at 3:00am at nite:(. Human race is anyways heading for destruction finally.