Saturday, December 24, 2005

The drunk Vs The Non-drunk

Strongly inclined towards starting a movement, where people who are not drunk in a party of drunkards should be kicked out of the parties. Most of them simply turn out to be opportunist *!@#$$%%s. Although the theory does not hold for the "Paskaars" (Oscar version of paasam (love in tam) filled ppl, but its about the sadist ppl who try to get the drunkards loose all their dignity and secrets, only to be well recorded in a non-drunkard's memory, crystal clear. Well, sometimes its not just the teetotlers, but the smart drinkers, who can turn out to be even more evil, since they do loose their senses partially, but then are reasonably evil enough to dig up a reasonably well plotted grave for the sloshed ones.... Well in anycase, myself glad to get back to the blogosphere, which I quit temporarily for some academic stuff:(..


Blogger totti said...

habaadi.its good that you guys arent throwing me out :).Welcome back to blogging.I realize i am a lil lagging :P

11:50 AM  
Blogger Rohan Kumar said...

Welcome bac to the blogosphere, I can kinda guess hwo this post is directed at :), mebbe they should consider renaming teetotlers to 'totti'tlers

12:58 PM  
Blogger totti said...

Happy new year SUS!!

10:50 AM  
Blogger Casablanca said...

Hahahaha... I know what you mean! And why doesnt Totti drink? Next time pass him orange juice with tequila... you must get him drunk on the sly, and then dig out his secrets :D

12:31 AM  
Blogger Susu said...

@all: in and out of blogosphere.. I hope to be in again...had a great trip to florida, best ever trip in the US... sadly back to witness the snow...:((

12:10 PM  

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