Monday, October 24, 2005

Junket -- That's the word I am looking for

A few hours ago
I ordered two tacos "to go"
But since it was free
I wanted to eat three,
that put me thinking
about the word for such hoodwinking.
It was something in barrons or kaplan easy to forget
for ppl who take a trip on someone else's budget.
Junket it was
and yeah that was the cause,
why I tried a medeterranian cuisine
or got picked up in a limousine.
It feels great when all you can spend is paid,
except for expenses of getting laid...
when you dont have to think about money
and get out of your cave of parsimony.
And now I guess people get to know
why I publish every time I want to get away from the snow.


Blogger Point 5 said...

pseud ra mama...looks like the wine added to ur creative skills....

7:26 AM  
Blogger Rohan Kumar said...

That was some premonition man, its snowing cats and dogs today :)

9:47 AM  
Blogger Casablanca said...

Not having to work for money - absolutely my dream!!

Snow? Did I hear snow? Go and out play kids... what are you'll doing infront of your PCs =p

11:27 PM  
Blogger Susu said...

@askintoo: extra cash .... 800$.. damn my friend needs that.. I can let you know his id.. SPAM at will... for now keep away from this space

@Pointy: Just to add to that.. "free wine"

@Rohan: I wish I was wrong on that... me at oregon btw.. having a wonderful time.. gonna watch a preseason NBA game tonite..

@casa: Well I did my share of work earlier.. though I was getting paid for that too... and snow is not the time to play but to mourn at Penn State, except for probably the frist week of snow or so...

3:25 PM  
Blogger Casablanca said...

Ok I am going to NY in december, so STOP scaring me about winter! I'll freeeeezzzee!!

7:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Sus,

Nice poem. Nice junkets indeed. I hope the conference went well.


12:22 AM  
Blogger Susu said...

@casa: well on the postitive side.. it did not snow much till january in this region.. so you might just be safe... but in anycase NYC rocks any day any time any weather :)

@niru: Thanks!! conference was amazing.. towards the end turned more into a recruiting fare, with loads of opportunities...

8:58 AM  

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